
Greater Shanghai Plan: From Planning Ideal to Real Practice

上海市城市规划设计研究院院长, 博士, 高级工程师

摘要: 作为二次大战后中国大城市编制的第一部现代城市总体规划,“大上海都市计划”对上海的城市规划和建设带来深远影响,也对我国城市规划学科发展以及城市发展具有重要意义。从规划导向、规划理念、规划方法、规划组织与决策、实施与支撑角度具体阐述了其影响以及对当今规划特别是上海新一轮总规编制的启示作用。“大上海都市计划”作为众多先辈垒砌的基石,将启发我们如何思考与规划“上海的2040”,将支撑我们不懈地脚踏现实,面对未来,追求梦想。

Abstract: “Greater Shanghai Plan” is the first modern master plan for big cities in China after World War II. It has far-reaching influence on Shanghai’s further planning and construction. Moreover, it also has great significance for the whole Chinese urban planning discipline as well as urban development. From different respects of planning, including orientation, idea, method, planning organization and decision making, implementation and supporting, this paper elaborates how today’s urban planning, especially the new master plan of Shanghai (Shanghai 2040), should learn from the “Greater Shanghai Plan”. As the foundation stone accomplished by these forerunners, the “Greater Shanghai Plan” should be regarded as a kind of inspiration and support for us, inspiring and supporting us to pursue dreams in “Shanghai 2040”.


Keyword: Greater Shanghai Plan, Planning orientation, Planning idea, Planning method, Planning organization and decision making, Planning implementation and supporting


文献标识码: B

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