
Detailed Conservation Planning Methods for Ancient Villages:A Case Study of Nuodeng Village,Yunlong County,Yunnan Province

上海同济城市规划设计研究院 复兴研究中心 副主任, 工程师

摘要: 诺邓村是第三批中国历史文化名村。《云南省云龙县诺邓国家级历史文化名村保护详细规划》是云南省编制的首个历史文化名村保护详细规划。规划在现行保护规划的指导下,结合当地村民生产和生活特征,按照详细规划层面的深度要求开展编制,力争有效协调解决村民提升生活品质需求与村落保护要求之间的矛盾。规划鼓励推进村民自主、自发的保护模式,因而在工作方法和编制内容上采取了多种创新,目前在以村民为主导的规划实施过程中已经初步取得了良好的综合效益。

Abstract: The village environment along Nuodeng village is a National Historic Village awarded in 1997. The Detailed Conservation Plan of National Historic Village of Nuodeng is the first detailed conservation plan of village in Yunan. By creative planning methods, the plan tried to coordinate the conficts between developing and conserving, in order to encourage the local people to conserve the village by themselves.


Keyword: Historic village, Detailed conservation plan, Conserve village by local people


文献标识码: B

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