
Research on the Method of Multi-type City Examination Synergy Driven by Knowledge Graph

王 腾
北京城市象限科技有限公司 智慧规划部部长,硕士

北京城市象限科技有限公司 数据工程师,硕士研究生

北京城市象限科技有限公司 数据科学部部长,硕士

北京城市象限科技有限公司 城市分析师,高级工程师

北京城市象限科技有限公司 CEO,高级工程师

摘要: 城市体检作为城市治理的重要手段,因部门和地域的不同存在不同的体检类型。不同类型体检虽然关注点和侧重点各有不 同,但其关注的问题、选取的数据、计算规则和测度方法存在交叉重合,容易引起认知困惑和重复投入。因此,在城市体检于 全国范围广泛开展之际,研究不同类型城市体检工作的协同开展,对优化城市体检工作具有积极意义。首先,梳理现行主要 城市体检体系,总结不同体检体系并存容易出现的问题,提出“多检协同”的应对思路。其次,引入知识图谱技术,将其与 城市体检要求相结合,构建多检协同方法,包括数据协同、指标协同和计算协同。最后,在具体的知识图谱系统中对实现结 果进行案例介绍,并总结该技术方法应用的价值、问题和后续建议。

Abstract: City examination is an important method of urban governance. City examination can be different due to varying responsible departments and regions, but their concern, selected data, and calculation method are of similarity, which can easily cause cognitive confusion and repetitive works. Therefore, it is important to study how to carry out the synergy of different types of city examination systems. This research sorts out major current city examination systems, summarizes existing problems, and proposes "city examination synergy". Knowledge graph technology is introduced and combined with city examination for building an urban synergy evaluation system and calculation method, including data synergy, indicator synergy, and computational synergy. Finally, a case study is introduced based on the implementation results of the knowledge graph system, with a summary of the value, problems and suggestions for using the method.


Keyword: city examination; index system; knowledge graph; multi-type urban evaluation synergy


文献标识码: A

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