通过城市体检评估制度全面系统评价我国城市人 居环境建设

Evaluating the Performance of Human Settlement in Chinese Cities via City Examination Mechanism

徐 辉
中国城市规划设计研究院 院士工作室(中规智库研究中心) 主任,教授级高级城市规划师

中国城市规划设计研究院 院士工作室(中规智库研究中心) 助理城市规划师,硕士

摘要: 我国经过40多年的快速城镇化发展,城市的人口规模、综合实力有了较大提升,但同时也积累了诸多“城市病”。城市体 检评估是对城市人居环境及相关规划的全面、系统、常态化的评价工作,有助于及时发现城市人居环境建设中暴露的问 题,针对性治理“城市病”,推动城市高质量发展。城市体检技术方法体系由指标体系、多层级联动评估、主客观综合评 估、信息平台智能评估等多方面组成。其中指标体系构建应因城施策,通过通用指标和特色指标来评估;在工作机制上 应建立“市—区—街道”3级联动模式。最后,对进一步完善城市体检评估方法提出优化建议。

Abstract: After more than 40 years of rapid urbanization in China, both urban population and competitiveness of cities have been greatly increased. However, a variety of urban issues have accumulated and even intensified over time. City examination is a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of human settlement for Chinese cities, addressing urban issues efficiently and helping to promote higherquality urban development. This paper summarizes a scientific evaluation method system consisting of indicator systems, multiscale evaluation, holistic evaluation, and intelligent information platforms evaluation. The construction of the indicator system should take into account the differences of the cities and assess them through generic and characteristic indicators. The working mechanism should establish a "city-district-street" three-tier linkage model. Finally, several suggestions are made for further refinement of the city examination methodology.


Keyword: city examination; evaluation mechanism; comprehensive evaluation; indicator system


文献标识码: A

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