
Planning Enlightenment on German Rural Settlements Renewal Practices

上海市城市规划设计研究院 助理工程师, 硕士

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 城市规划系副系主任, 教授, 博士生导师, 博士

摘要: 从20世纪50年代开始,德国农村实施了土地整理、农村住区空间环境和既有建筑更新改造等一系列农村人居环境建设的实践。它对改良农业结构,对原有农村采矿土地的修复和生重建,对保障基础设施和公共事业用地,以及对加强整体生态环境保护等方面均起到了积极作用。这对我国当今农村人居环境建设规划具有重要启示:应进一步注重农村住区土地使用的合理配置,注重农村住区的整体景观品质与生态环境质量相结合,注重农村住区物质空间环境整体结构的完善与提升,注重既有公共建筑和公共空间环境的再利用和功能提升,并注重农村住区既有建筑更新改造的适用技术支撑。

Abstract: Starting from 50s of the 20th century, a series of practices was implemented in German rural areas in land consolidation, residential space improvement and existing building renewal. These practices had resulted a lot of positive effects in many ways, for instance, agricultural structure improvement, former mining area recovery and ecological system reconstruction, land reservation for infrastructure and public utilities, overall eco-environment protection, etc. The experience and success in Germany offers meaningful inspirations for today’s rural area planning in our own country. Following aspects should be concentrated during the planning: rational usage and allocation of land in residential areas; relationship between landscape and eco-environment quality; improvement of overall structure for residential areas; functional improvement and recycle of existing public constructions and space; technical side of existing buildings renewal and update. Therefore, planning strategies and implementation paths play more important role in this.


Keyword: Germany, Rural settlements, Land consolidation space, Environment renewal


文献标识码: B


国家科技支撑计划课题“农村住区规划技术研究” (编号: 2008BAJ08B01)和“村、 乡及农村社区规划标准研究” 。 2008BAJ08B09

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