韧性理念下流域洪涝灾害治理及规划启示* ——以韩国汉江为例

Flood Disaster Governance and Planning Enlightenment in River Basin under the Concept of Resilience: A Case Study of Han River Basin in South Korea

浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院 硕士研究生

马 涛
江苏农林职业技术学院 讲师,硕士研究生

陈 伟
南京邮电大学地理与生物信息学院 副教授,博士

浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院 教授,博士

浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院 副教授,博士

摘要: 在极端气候频发与城市化快速发展的背景下,流域防洪规划作为沿江城市防洪减灾的关键措施,能有效缓解洪涝灾害的社会经济影响。以韩国汉江流域为例,通过回顾其由侧重于防洪工程的洪水干预到韧性理念下流域多元防洪规划的思路转变,解析兼顾防洪与生态保护的流域性规划措施的具体方法及要点,总结出洪涝灾害风险评估、流域坝库协同系统、流域生态防洪网络和多元主体灾害管理等4方面经验,并对我国东部中小流域应对洪涝灾害提出规划启示。

Abstract: Facing extreme climate change and rapid urban development, river basin flood control planning can effectively mitigate social and economic impacts from flood disasters as a key approach. The paper illustrates the Han River Basin in South Korea as a study case. By reviewing flood control measures that have changed from pure engineering intervention to multiple flood control planning for river basins under the concept of resilience, the paper analyzes the specific methods and key points of river basin flood control measures in order to sort out experiences, such as the flood disaster risk assessment, collaborative system of dams and reservoirs, ecological flood control network and multi-agent flood management in the basin, and advances the enlightenment for flood control in small and medium-scale basins in eastern China.


Keyword: flood disaster risk; resilience concept; ecological network; planning enlightenment; Han River Basin


文献标识码: A


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