儿童友好型社区公园对户外活动多样性的影响研究* ——基于深圳市红荔社区自然实验

The Effects of Child-friendly Community Park on the Diversity of Outdoor Activities: A Natural Experiment in Hongli Community, Shenzhen

刘 堃
哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院 副教授,博士

哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)建筑学院 助理教授,博士

青岛腾远设计事务所有限公司 规划设计师

摘要: 为减少快速城镇化对儿童健康成长的不利影响,在儿童友好城市理念倡导下,社区公园的儿童友好型改造广泛展开。我国大城市社区普遍存在活动场地稀缺的问题。儿童友好型公园在赋予儿童活动优先权的同时,能否支持成人多样的户外活动、形成包容的社会效应、提升社区活力,有待证明。以深圳市儿童友好型社区公园试点项目为案例,开展自然实验研究,跟踪观测改造前后居民户外活动的变化,分析社区公园对多群体、多类型活动的影响,发掘有效保障户外活动多样性的儿童友好型社区规划与设计策略。研究发现,社区公园通过吸引儿童活动,有效地触发了多群体、多类型的户外活动;活动设施与场地的呼应、向心式布局与设施混合是提升活动多样性的有效设计手段。初步证明了自然实验在社区规划与设计研究领域的适用性。

Abstract: To reduce the negative effects of rapid urbanization on children's health and growth, with the Child-friendly Cities Initiative, Child-friendly Community Park (CFCP) renewal has been carried out. Since the scarcity of community public space commonly exists in nowadays big cities, could CFCP guarantee the priority of children, and serve diverse outdoor activities of adults equally as well, to achieve inclusive social effects, and to improve community vitality? To answer the question, a natural experiment was carried out following the pilot project of CFCP in Shenzhen. In the experiment, the change in the park and residents' outdoor activities were tracking observed, to discover the influence of CFCP on multi-age and multi-type outdoor activities by before-after analysis and to put forward effective design strategies for diversity. The study finds that CFCP catalyzed multi-age residents and multi-type activities by attracting children activities, and achieved inclusive public places. The matching of activity facilities and site, the enclosure layout and mixture of facilities were proven to be effective planning and design strategies to improve diversity. The study also initially proves the applicability of natural experiments in community planning and design research field.


Keyword: child-friendly; community park; outdoor activities; diversity; natural experiment


文献标识码: A


深圳市稳定支持计划面上项目 时空轨迹大小数据相结合的深圳市劳动人口健康行为制约研究及风险评估 GXWD20201230155427003-20200821180448001

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