
Exploration of Post-disaster Plan Based on Characteristics of Local Clusters: A Case Study of Post-quake Restoration and Reconstruction Plan of Yingjing, Ya’an, Sichuan


摘要: “4•20”芦山地震后,根据住建部指示和四川省建设厅要求,上海市规划院牵头组成联合工作组开展雅安市荥经县灾后恢复重建规划编制工作。荥经重建规划在尊重原规划基础上,聚焦重点、因地制宜,突出不同区域的特色;针对城区和乡村的不同地域特征,宜散则散,宜聚则聚,形成重建示范标杆;规划在关注防灾内容的同时,重点突出区域特色塑造,是一次以特定地域特征为引导的震后重建规划探索。

Abstract: According to the instructions from Ministry of Corporation and requirements from Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Sichuan Province, Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute has led to assemble an union after “4• 20”Lushan Earthquake. The union aims at making plans of post-quake restoration and reconstruction for Yingjing County, Ya’an City. Based on the original planning, Yingjing Assistance Planning focused on creating different regional characteristics according to local conditions, while building highlights of cultural landscape. The program also adjusts strategies of gathering and diffusion in accordance of different characteristics in rural and urban areas. This program has forms a demonstration benchmark on reconstruction by. Based on the regional characteristics shapes, this program highlights regional characteristics on the basis of disaster prevention, and it’s an exploration of post-quake restoration and reconstruction oriented by characteristics of specific regions.


Keyword: Characteristics of specific regions, Reconstruction plan, Yingjing County, Ya’an City


文献标识码: B

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