
Study on the Characteristics of Travel and Job-housing Balance in Urban Key Functional Areas: A Case Study of Beijing

北京工业大学 北京市交通工程重点实验室 教授,博士

张 野
北京工业大学 北京市交通工程重点实验室 博士研究生

北京工业大学 北京市交通工程重点实验室 硕士

北京工业大学 北京市交通工程重点实验室 博士研究生

交通运输部水运科学研究院 助理研究员,博士

摘要: 针对大城市职住分离日益严重的问题,以北京市为例,基于大数据分析城市重点功能区的出行和职住平衡特征。首先,利用手机信令数据提取用户出行起讫点(OD),将获取的出行信息集计到各交通小区,从时间、距离和时耗方面分析各功能区的出行特征,并通过职住地识别算法获取用户居住/工作地,引入居住/工作独立性指数来衡量职住分离程度,结果显示各功能区的职住分离度均大于50%。其次,结合兴趣点(POI)数据对城市功能区基础配套设施的密度与出行特征进行横向对比,数据显示回龙观地区的交通配套设施较少,通勤出行距离和时间均最大。最后,针对以上问题提出具体改善建议,为调整城市空间结构、优化设施配置以更好满足通勤出行需求及减少城市碳排放量提供参考。

Abstract: The issue of job-housing separation has become increasingly critical in large cities. This study takes Beijing as a case study and employs big data analysis to investigate the characteristics of travel patterns and job-housing balance in key urban functional areas. Firstly, mobile signaling data is utilized to extract user origin-destination (OD) information, allowing for the analysis of travel characteristics such as time, distance, and time consumption in each functional area. Subsequently, a house/job location identification algorithm is applied to determine users' residential and workplace locations, and the independence index is introduced to measure the degree of job/housing separation. The findings reveal that job-housing separation exceeds 50% in each functional area. By comparing the density of urban infrastructure supporting facilities and the travel characteristics of functional areas using Point of Interest (POI) data, we identify the Huilongguan area as having fewer transportation-supporting facilities, leading to longer commuting distances and time consumption. Finally, specific suggestions are provided to improve the urban spatial structure and facility configuration, in order to better cater to people's commuting needs. This study offers valuable insights for urban planners and policymakers to address the job-housing balance issue in key functional areas and enhance urban mobility.


Keyword: urban functional areas; job-housing balance; travel characteristics; mobile signaling data


文献标识码: A


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