
Beijing Metropolitan Area Spatial Boundary Identification and Commuting Rate Characteristics Based on Spatial Merge Techniques

赵 晖
退役军人事务部退役军人培训中心 博士,正高级经济师

张 纯
北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院 博士生导师,教授

北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院 北京交通发展研究院 博士后,高级工程师

北京交通发展研究院 博士,教授级高级工程师

伦敦大学学院(UCL)巴特莱特建筑学院 硕士

摘要: 在京津冀区域一体化背景下,利用手机信令数据,对以城市中心区为通勤中央核的通勤空间特征进行研究,以此判别北京都市圈的空间边界及拓展趋势,同时为京津冀一体化背景下的城市群与都市圈综合交通网络融合和面向通勤群体提供高品质通勤服务的公交服务给予政策借鉴。采取基于GIS的空间融合分析技术,有效识别手机用户居住地、就业地和通勤OD链,通过测算外围地区到中央核的通勤率判定都市圈通勤范围空间特征。分析显示都市圈范围的空间层次与通勤率相关。以北京中心城区为通勤中央核,第一圈层30%通勤率等值线对应约在30 km之内,这是城市通勤行为最活跃密集的地带。第二圈层10%通勤率等值线对应30—50 km的不规则圈层范围,约为都市圈边界涵盖范围。最外圈层5%通勤率等值线对应的50 km之外的通勤偶发地带,在空间上呈现不连续分布的特征。

Abstract: Under the background of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional integration, this paper uses mobile phone signaling data to study the spatial characteristics of commuting with the city center as the focus, to identify the spatial boundary and expansion trend of the Beijing metropolitan area. This paper aims to provide policy references for the integration of the comprehensive transport network of the urban agglomeration and metropolitan area under the background of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration, and for the public transport service that provides high-quality commuting services. GIS-based spatial fusion analysis technology is adopted to effectively identify mobile phone users' places of residence, employment, and commuting OD chains, and the spatial characteristics of the metropolitan area's commuting range are determined by measuring the commuting rate from the peripheral areas to the center. The analysis shows that the spatial level of the metropolitan area is correlated with the commuting rate. Taking the central city of Beijing as the center of commuting, the 30% commuting rate contour of the first circle corresponds to the area within 30 km, which is the most active and intensive zone of urban commuting behaviors. The 10% commuting rate contour of the second circle corresponds to an irregular circle of 30 km-50 km, which is about the boundary of the metropolitan area. The outermost 5% commuting rate contour corresponds to a zone of occasional commuting beyond 50 km, which shows a discontinuity in spatial distribution.


Keyword: metropolitan area; commuting rate; spatial merge technique; cellular signaling data; Beijing


文献标识码: A


国家重点研发计划 城市群都市圈空间优化关键技术 2022YFC3800104

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