
The Fair Allocation and Development Modes of Collective Reserved Land in Urban Expansion: A Case Study of Wuhan City

郭 炎
武汉大学城市设计学院 湖北省人居环境工程技术研究中心 副教授,博士生导师

叶 睿

武汉市自然资源保护利用中心 正高级工程师

陈 力
武汉市自然资源保护利用中心 工程师

摘要: 基于公平理论,探究财税导向的城市经济积累中留用地的非均衡配置与差异化开发模式,并选取武汉的典型地域,以半结构式访谈的方法开展实证,揭示留用地开发中的收益差距现象,为促进留用地公平开发提出了政策建议。结果表明:(1)留用地配置的公平性不仅体现在政府驱动的经济增长与失地农民发展权益的保障上,还体现为村集体间发展的公平性、村集体内部成员间分配的公平性;(2)留用地属性与村集体资源的不同匹配状况构成非均衡的初始分配格局,导致投资经营方式、收益分配等开发模式的差异化选择,使收益差距扩大;(3)保障留用地公平开发,需注重各阶段的规划与调控,在城市规划、留用地配置、留用地开发与收益分配阶段采取相应调节措施,完善留用地配置机制。

Abstract: Based on the equity theory, this paper reveals the unbalanced allocation and different development modes of collective reserved land in the fiscal and tax oriented urban economic accumulation. Through the method of semi-structural interview in typical areas of Wuhan, this paper analyzes the revenue gaps among stakeholders in the development of reserved land and puts forward strategic suggestions for promoting the fair development of reserved land. The research shows that: (1) the equity of collective reserved land is not only reflected in the government driven economic growth and the protection of the development rights of landless farmers, but also reflected in the equity of development among village collectives and distribution among members within collectives; (2) the different matching conditions of collective reserved land and resources of collectives constitute an unbalanced initial distribution pattern, which leads to the differential development modes such as investment and operation mode and income distribution, and widens the income gap; (3) to ensure the fair development, we need to pay attention to the planning and regulation of each stage, take corresponding adjustment measures in the stages of zone planning, allocation, development and income distribution of collective reserved land, and improve the allocation mechanism of collective reserved land.


Keyword: land finance; urban expansion; equity; collective reserved land; development mode


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金面上项目 投融资视角下社区更新中环境重构的机理、效应与对策:以武汉市为例 52378074

国家自然科学基金面上项目 资本循环视角下乡村社会空间重构的机理、效应与调适——以湖北湖南两个县级行政区为例 41971185

中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 健康城市智能感知与模拟优化 2042023kfyq04

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