
Suitability Evaluation Method Based on the Laws of Innovative Spatial Distribution: A Case Study of Nanjing Jiangbei New Area

王 慧
北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司 规划师

东南大学建筑学院 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 在我国创新驱动发展战略引领和全国国土空间规划改革的时代背景下,寻找并布局满足创新主体需求且有利于激发其创新活力的创新空间成为未来城市空间优化的重点之一。研究发现,创新主体在城市内的空间区位一般遵循邻近智力与产业资源、公共服务设施与基础设施配置完善、创新政策集中度高、与中心城区距离适中、生态环境优美等规律。同时,产业型与知识型创新主体在地块层面分别呈现主要集聚于产业园区与校区的特征。基于创新空间布局规律,提出因“创”制宜、集成高效的空间适宜性评价总体原则,并构建了涵盖智力与产业资源邻近性、设施配置水平、城市区位、生态环境条件等评价要素在内的技术框架。最后以南京江北新区为例,对技术路线应用进行实证研究。

Abstract: Under the guidance of the national innovation-driven development strategy, the upsurge of innovation space planning has arisen in many major regions and cities throughout the country. However, the innovation space planning has not yet formed a mature technology roadmap. Thus, how to follow the laws of innovation space and plan rationally has become one of the topics that need to be discussed in depth. This paper clarifies the laws of innovation space location, the spatial agglomeration of innovation function and expansion of innovation space, then based on the general planning principles of adapting measures to local conditions, integration & efficiency and linkage of industrial parks, campus and community, a technology roadmap of innovation space planning is explored. Finally, in order to provide references for the improvement of the technological system of innovation space planning, this paper takes Nanjing Jiangbei New Area as an example to carry out a practical application of the route map.


Keyword: innovation space; spatial suitability evaluation; Nanjing Jiangbei New Area


文献标识码: A

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