
Public Participation in Marginal Communities: A Case Study of Neighborhood Management in Berlin

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

摘要: 由于历史及区位的原因,柏林市存在很多边缘社区,传统的城市更新方法不适用,因此“社会整合城市”计划及“邻里管理”项目作为专门解决边缘社区的手段得以实施。“邻里管理”项目作为柏林城市更新整体组织结构的最下面一个层级,主要目的在于鼓励本地居民参与社区更新的具体工作。以Wrangelkiez地区的“邻里管理”为例,详细分析了“邻里管理”工作组的角色、分配委员会的角色、本地居民的角色,以及资金的来源,提议的审批和分类等问题。

Abstract: Due to reasons of the history and location, the traditional urban regeneration modes are not suitable for marginal communities in Berlin. Therefore, Socially Integrative City and Neighborhood Management Program are carried out as the professional methods to solve the problems of marginal communities. The main purpose of Neighborhood Management which is the bot-tom of regenerating overall organizational structure in Berlin is encouraging the locals to participate in the specifc work on community regeneration. Taking neighborhood management in Wrangelkiez for example, the problems are analyzed in details about the role of neighborhood management workgroup, allocation committee and the residents, the sources of funds and proposals’ approval and classifcation.


Keyword: Public participation, Marginal communities, Urban regeneration, The Socially Integrative City, Neighborhood Management


文献标识码: B

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