
Urban Regeneration Planning against the Background of Transition Development

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授, 博士生导师 上海同济城市规划设计研究院 总规划师

摘要: 通过简要回顾欧美国家城市更新向城市复兴转型的过程,分析国内北京、上海等大城市在旧城更新过程中出现的相关城市问题,围绕转型发展格局下土地制度创新,历史风貌保护与住房保障体制完善,重构低碳宜人的生活街区,以及城市复兴的规划策略、实施路径等问题展开探讨和阐述。

Abstract: In comparison of urban regeneration and later urban renaissance in European and American cities, Shanghai and Beijing are facing several problems by urban renewal process in recent years. The ongoing city transformation forces the changing of diverse development factors, such as land use system, historic preservation, affordable housing and sustainable neighborhood. Therefore, planning strategies and implementation paths play more important role in this.


Keyword: Urban regeneration, Transformational development, Historic preservation, Restoration of living neighborhood


文献标识码: B


教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目“中国历史文化名城保护与文化建设研究” (编号: 11JJD750020); 上海同济城市规划设计研究院科研项目(编号: KY-2011-A06) 。

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