
Urban Regeneration Based on Historical and Cultural Value——A Case Study of Hongkou Creek, Shanghai

上海同济城市规划设计研究院 工程师, 硕士

摘要: 现代城市更新追求的是在城市功能和活力再生基础上提升城市竞争力,滨水区域一直是城市更新中比较重视的内容。对注重创新环境的世界性城市而言,人文素质与物质环境均很重要。基于历史文化价值的研究可以在城市更新过程中强化滨水区域特色,体现多样性和个性,对城市人文和物质两方面的提升均有裨益。上海虹口港具有独特的历史内涵,以历史文化价值为基础,对该区域城市更新策略进行研究。

Abstract: The Purpose of urban renewal is the regeneration of urban function and vitality in order to improve the urban competitiveness. The waterfront area has being got more attention in urban renewal project. Humanistic quality and physical environment are both important for the world cities which paid more attention on the innovation environment. Those researches, which strengthening waterfront features and reflecting the diversity and individuality, can be helpful for the urban renewal project, based on historical and cultural value. It also benefits both humanities and material factor. Shanghai Hongkou Creek has its unique historical value. This article is the research of the urban renewal strategy based on the historical and cultural value .


Keyword: Historical and cultural value, Urban renewal, Hongkou Creek


文献标识码: A


中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目: 城市历史景观的保护与控制方法研究。 0100219098

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