
Create Artistic Life Quality with the Inheritance of City Character: Research on Two Urban Renovation Practices of Paris

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授,博导 上海同济城市规划设计研究院 院长

摘要: 一直以来,巴黎以其统一而不乏丰富的城市面貌和经典的城市空间著称于世。其城市空间的特色集中体现于严格遵守大尺度城市格局、延续城市轴线空间骨架、构筑城市节点之间的强大空间张力。在保护基本城市肌理、保护城市空间轮廓完整性的原则下,城市建设者对巴黎城市空间的艺术性、丰富性和社会性方面进行了着力的创新。从巴黎的两个新建设项目为研究对象,分析在这两个案例中如何创新性传承巴黎城市空间特色,营造城市生活空间品质。

Abstract: For a long time, Paris is well known with its unified and rich urban landscape, classic city formulation with the block texture as well as its urban space. The characters of Paris' space especially embodies in strict compliance with the large-scale city pattern, the continuation of urban axis with the whole space frame, strong spatial tension between the urban nodes. Under the basic principle of protecting urban texture and the integrity of the urban space contour, the architects and urban designers take great innovation to strengthen the artistic quality, the richness of the urban space and social aspects of the city space. This article aims to take Paris' two construction projects as the research objects analysing in both cases how to innovatively inherit Paris urban space characteristics and to make the new creation for the life space of people.


Keyword: Paris, Urban space characters, Inheritance, Creation


文献标识码: B

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