
Urban Planning for a Low Carbon Future

复旦大学环境科学与工程系教授, 博士生导师

复旦大学环境科学与工程系 讲师, 博士

摘要: 城市规划对于一个地区有“碳锁定”效应。随着低碳发展成为各个城市的发展战略,如何将低碳发展融于城市规划,如何在城市规划中落实低碳发展理念,已经成为当前城市规划的重要命题。在上海新一轮城市规划中,引导城市低碳发展成为重要的发展目标。从影响城市碳排放的主要因素切入,分析低碳发展对城市规划提出的要求。在此基础上,从需求控制、效率提升这两个城市规划的核心着力点上剖析低碳发展与城市规划的融合,并对上海未来低碳化的城市规划提出了一些建议。

Abstract: Urban planning can lock the CO2 emissions of a city. Since low carbon city building has become a common goal, how can planners integrate low carbon development into urban planning has been a key issue. In the new round of Shanghai urban planning, planning for a low carbon future is an important goal. This paper explored main factors affecting urban carbon emissions and discussed the low carbon development requirements for urban planning. Demand management and efficiency improvement were pointed out to be the key factors for urban planning to promote a low carbon future. After analyzing the low carbon oriented demand control and efficiency improvement measures in urban planning, some suggestions were put forward for the new round of Shanghai urban planning.


Keyword: Urban planning, Carbon lock-in, Basic thoughts, Demand, Efficiency


文献标识码: A


*教育部博士点基金项目“城市建设项目碳足迹评价与管理”20120071120032);上海市新一轮城市总体规划战略议题“上海低碳城市建设发展目标与路径研究”。 20071120032

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