
Studies and Practices of Urban Big Data and Open Data in China

北京市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师, 博士 北京城市实验室创建人

摘要: 城市大数据日益成为我国规划学界和工程界关注的热点,微观个体的大数据与这个时代规划界所提出的各种理念比如“以人为本”、“新型城镇化”等不谋而合,为相应的学术研究、规划实践和商业咨询带来了发展契机。从研究机构创建、学术研究开展、规划编制探索和产业发展等角度,全面回顾了当前城市大数据领域开展的一系列工作,并重点介绍了致力于定量城市研究的北京城市实验室(BCL)的基本情况及其开展的诸多定量城市研究工作。

Abstract: In line with the human-oriented focus and the need for new urbanization, big data has become a new paradigm in the field of urban planning and engineering. It brings great opportunities for academic research, planning practice and business consulting. This article aims to provide an overview of urban big data studies from the institutional, academic, and practical perspectives. Particularly, it elaborates a number of research projects carried out by Beijing City Lab, a virtual research community dedicated to urban dynamics studies.


Keyword: Big data, Quantitative urban studies, Beijing City Lab, Urban planning


文献标识码: B

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