
Research on the Worthy of the World Cultural Heritage of Shanghai Li-long


摘要: 试图从世界文化遗产认定的角度,系统建立上海里弄遗产价值的认识体系,以证明其具有世界文化遗产价值。体系的构建包括3个主要方面:建筑遗产的特殊性、对于上海近代城市特征的代表性,以及历史人文和城市景观文化价值。其中包括了中西合璧的艺术价值、作为中式传统建筑近代发展孤例的历史价值、代表中国近现代房地产业开端标志及上海近代特有城市特征的文化价值,以及重要的人文及城市景观价值等。鉴于《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》及其操作指南所确定的认定标准,有理由确定,上海里弄是具有世界文化遗产价值的。

Abstract: Based on the demand of the heritage value research of Shanghai Li-long, the paper establishes the heritage value system and certifies that Li-long is worthy of the world cultural heritage, according to Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and its guidance. The system contains three aspects: the particular architectural heritage value, the representation of urban characteristic of modern Shanghai, and the cultural and landscape value. Further discusse that Li-long is worthy of the heritage as the Chinese and western architectural style, as the only example of traditional to modern building inheritance and development, as the representation of the real estate beginning of modern China, as the representation of the urban characteristic of modern Shanghai, and as the cultural and urban landscape value.


Keyword: World cultural heritage, Value system, Chinese and western style, Modern real estate beginning, Modern urban characteristic


文献标识码: A

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