
Humanity Revival and Sustainable Conservation of Historical and Cultural Blocks: A Case Study of Conservation Planning of Wenchangli, Fuzhou


摘要: 针对国内历史文化街区保护与发展中存在的文化保护滞后、社会网络不可持续、“开发”性破坏等问题,探讨了此类问题出现的背景与危害,并对保护方法与理论提出了挑战。结合抚州文昌里街区保护规划,回顾街区的历史与现状,阐述上述问题在街区内的表现,从保护与发展兼顾的角度提出人文复兴与可持续保护总体策略,并从基于历史文化价值认知的保护共识与文化保护路径、街区社会网络的可持续发展、城市设计视角下的保护与发展平衡框架等方面进行论述。

Abstract: Considering the problems of delay of culture protection, unsustainability of social network, and development-oriented demolition in historic area, this paper argues the background and harm of these problems, and proposes humanity revival and sustainable conservation, based on the angle of combination of conservation and development and the practice of Wenchangli. This paper further argues from the aspects of awareness of heritage and culture protection, sustainable development of social network, balance framework of conservation and development by the methodology of Urban Design, etc.


Keyword: Humanity revival, Sustainable conservation, Awareness of heritage, Culture protection , Social network, Balance framework, Wenchangli


文献标识码: A



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