
The Application and Exploration of Economic Census Data in Master Planning

上海市城市规划设计研究院 副总工,技审中心主任

上海市城市规划设计研究院(数城网络公司) 助理工程师,硕士

上海市城市规划设计研究院(交通分院) 工程师,硕士

上海市城市规划设计研究院(交通分院) 高级工程师,硕士

上海市城市规划设计研究院(规划一所) 工程师,博士

摘要: 经研究发现,经济普查数据在城市总体规划中的作用存在:数据采集空间到户但只达到相对精确落地程度、数据统计划定到普查小区但须与规划单元相衔接、数据字段逐次增加但也造成趋势分析困难,以及数据调查全面但空间覆盖并不完整等特点和难点。研究指出:在大数据应用和政府转型的背景下,经济普查数据作为重要的政府数据,其重要性并不是削弱相反日益突出,但由于这些数据统计工作处于初期阶段,管理导向优于应用导向,也缺少必要的统一部署,因此包括经普数据在内的政府数据在城市规划中的应用空间仍较为有限。随着当前开源数据应用的深入,也对政府数据提出了更高的要求。推动资源整合、加快政府数据平台建设,不仅是政府数据开放共享的关键前提,也是政府部门的当然之责。

Abstract: The application of economic census data in master planning has the following characteristics and difficulties. Data acquisition is accurate to each enterprise, but the accuracy is not high. Data statistics is accurate to each census district, but it must be connected with the planning unit. Data field has increased gradually, but it also causes the difficulties of trend analysis. The spatial coverage of data investigation is not complete. In big data and government transformation era, the importance of the economic census data is not weakened, but more important than ever. As the economic census data is in the initial stage, the management of data is better than the data application. The government also lacks the unified plan. Therefore, the application of government data, including the economic census data, is still limited in urban planning. With the development of the application of open source data, it also puts forward higher requirements to the government data. Promoting the integration of resources and accelerating the construction of government data platform are not only the key premises of the government data sharing, but also the responsibility of the government departments.


Keyword: Big Data, Economic census data, Urban master planning, Data application


文献标识码: A



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