
Challenges and Transformation Path of Urbanization in Post Land Economy Era

成都市规划设计研究院 硕士,工程师

摘要: 土地拍卖制度、二元土地管理制度伴随住房制度改革、权力下放与财税分权,是土地经济时代诞生的制度基础。土地经济推动了缺乏原始积累的中国经济和城镇快速发展,但也带来征地冲突、贫富分化、半城市化人口等社会问题。后土地经济时代,随着可供出让的土地越来越少、房地产开发动力减弱、固定资产投资下降、半城市化人口完全转化的成本及社会风险加剧,必须转变传统发展模式,通过划定城市开发边界、推进财税体制改革、转变政府职能、构建城乡一体的建设用地市场和推动社区建设等途径,引领城市发展转型。

Abstract: The era of land economy has its special institutional background. The land is the core factor of urban construction and economic and social development, and it is the catalyst of urbanization development. But in the excitation of performance indicator system, the land seems to become a tool for land finance and it has a large proportion in GDP. Traditional urbanization development model based on the land expansion is not sustainable.The background of new urbanization is that, less land can be sold and international and domestic macroeconomic situation are always in change. So we must try to turn land’s urbanization into people’s urbanization, promoting tax reform, financing channels diversification, community building and so on.


Keyword: Post land economy era, Transformation path, Challenges, Urbanization


文献标识码: A

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