
Commercial Space Use and Walking Path in Metro Station Areas of Shanghai Sub-Center

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博导

上海弘城国际建筑设计有限公司 建筑师,硕士

摘要: 城市中心区地铁站点会导致大量商业空间的集聚;同时,轨道交通站点作为巨大的人流发生源,势必会在很大程度上影响区域的行人分布、商业空间布局、业态与空间的使用。以上海徐家汇与五角场两个城市副中心地铁站域为调查对象,对其步行路径人流分布、商业空间使用人流量等方面开展调查,以数据分析及可视化为手段,尝试量化区域内的商业空间业态组成和分布情况,记录商业空间的使用绩效并分析相关影响因子,对影响地铁商圈商业空间使用的步行路径布局提出建议。

Abstract: Metro stations in the city center area will lead to the accumulation of commercial space, while flow stream from metro stations will largely influence the layout of commercial space, walking path and space performance as well. The paper takes Xujiahui and Wujiaochang, two sub-centers of Shanghai, as study cases, with the suvery of pedestrian volume and customers flow in commercial space, to describe arrangements and distribution of tenants mix quantitatively, and to analyze the space performance and related main factors of influence. Finally, the paper tries to give suggestions on the layout of walking path which influences the performance of commercial group in such station area.


Keyword: Metro station area, Commercial space, Walking path, Space performance


文献标识码: A



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