
Street Vibrancy of Beijing: Measurement, Impact Factors and Design Implication

北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司技术创新 中心 规划师,硕士

摘要: 对北京五环内街道活力展开测度和影响因素分析,分别对比了3套指标体系对3种类型街道活力的解释力度,并将北京的街 道活力影响要素与成都街道活力影响要素进行了对比。3套指标体系分别是只考虑空间句法的指标体系、只考虑街道自身 属性及周边环境等的指标体系和二者都考虑的指标体系。3种类型的街道分别是A类(公共管理与服务)、B类(商业服 务业设施)和R类(居住)街道。研究表明,只考虑街道自身属性及周边环境等的指标体系对街道活力的解释力度远大于 只考虑空间句法的指标体系,而二者都考虑的指标体系对街道活力的解释力度略大于只考虑街道自身属性及周边环境等 的指标体系。通过与成都街道活力的案例对比,发现北京3类街道活力均与功能密度关系最为密切等。此外还对街道功能布 局进行了识别,并且对街道功能布局与街道活力的相关关系做了初步探索,发现业态均匀分布在街道的街道活力最高。

Abstract: This paper quantitatively explores the street vibrancy of Beijing. Considering the urban characteristics of Beijing, we have developed the factors for quantitatively evaluating street vibrancy at the street level. These factors range from function density, function diversity, accessibility to metro station, city commercial center and commercial complex, intersection density and bus station density, to street level and width etc. Meanwhile, to know which method is better to explain street vibrancy between space syntax and factors mentioned above, and to know whether it would be better to add space syntax as one of factors, three groups of factors are constructed. They are the group of only space syntax, the group of factors without space syntax and the group of factors including space syntax. Linear regression has been adopted for identifying the impact of each factors on the street vibrancy, which is measured by population density. We analyze the impact factors for public administration and service streets, commercial streets and residential streets separately. Finally, the result about relationship between street vibrancy and impact factors of Beijing have been compared with that of Chengdu.

关键词:街道城市主义、街道活力、 街道功能布局、数据增强设计、北京

Keyword: Street urbanism,Street vibrancy,Layout of street function,Data Augment Design,Beijing


文献标识码: 文献标识码A

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