
Literature Review on Reshaping Traditional Commuting Model and Urban Space by Information and Communication Technology

北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院 硕士研究生

张 纯(通讯作者)
北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院 副教授,硕士生导师

摘要: 在互联网热潮中,信息化、智能化已经使城市空间发生了彻底的变化,也对传统通勤模型产生了深刻的影响。在综述前人经验和 案例研究的基础上,从城市空间格局、城市通勤行为和城市公共交通等3个方面,考察了信息化技术对于传统通勤模型和城市移 动性的影响。研究发现,信息技术和由此带来的时间碎片化,对于城市空间有着重要重塑作用,而关于其影响的程度目前存在着 极大影响论、微弱影响论以及适度影响论等不同的观点。在传统通勤模型的基础上,信息化一方面会提供远程通讯支持而减少 传统的出行机会,另一方面也会由于面对面交流的增加促进人们产生新的出行需求。互联网也带来人们通勤时间的碎片化,促 使了公共交通方式的优势重新凸显;人们可以借助网络和移动智能终端进行多任务、多目的和灵活化的安排,并且具有更多根 据实时交通情况进行交通决策的自主性。基于文献综述分析发现,相对于传统模型,信息化已经使城市居民的通勤行为发生了 重要的变革,这为未来制定互联网时代的城市规划和交通政策提供了启示和借鉴。

Abstract: In the era of the Internet, information and communication technology (ICT) has changed urban space and traditional commuting model fundamentally. This paper reviews the previous literature on the impact of ICT on the traditional commuter model and urban mobility in aspects of urban spatial pattern, urban commuting behavior and urban public transportation. Study shows that information technology and time fragmentation reshape contemporary urban space, and theory of determinism, possibilism, and mid-effect are brought out depending on the degree of influence. Based on traditional commuting model, it finds that ICT will reduce traditional trips by providing communication support, while increase new trip demand due to the importance of face to face contact. Since the fragmentation of commuting time, the advantage of public transit reappears. By internet and mobile terminal such us smart phone or pad, people can conduct multi-purpose activities and multi-tasks on their way, and also enjoy more flexibility of their trip arrangement. It also provides self-control on their travel decision depend on real time traffic status. Accumulated researches show that information technology has made important changes on urban commuting behavior comparing with traditional commuting model, which provides implications for the future urban planning and urban transportation policy.


Keyword: Information and communication technology,Urban space,Commuting model,Fragmentation,Commuter decision


文献标识码: 文献标识码A


教育部人文社科青年项目 基于城市交通的中国城市智慧发展研究 13YJCZH240

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