
Experience and Enlightenment from Housing Development Planning of International Metropolis

上海市土地交易事务中心 副主任,高级经济师,博士

摘要: 上海存在土地资源稀缺的客观现实,城市转型发展面临着多重压力,住房用地需求仍在增长,传统的扩张式发展已经不适 于上海。国际大城市住房发展大多曾经历或正在经历与上海相似的情况,并取得了显著成效。以纽约、伦敦、东京、新加坡、 香港、首尔6个国际大都市的住房用地规划和发展空间为例进行研究,从住房规划的发展历程及侧重点、住房用地规模与 住房结构、住房用地空间布局特点和住房规划实施政策等角度进行分析,总结其先进做法和可借鉴之处,以期为上海市新 一轮住房发展专项规划的编制工作提供国际经验借鉴。

Abstract: Under the circumstance of scarce land resources and a growing demand for residential land, the transformation of urban development in Shanghai is facing multiple pressures. The traditional expanding type of development is ill-adapted for Shanghai. The urban housing development in most international metropolises has experienced or is experiencing a similar situation. These cities have achieved remarkable results. Focusing on the spatial planning and development of residential land in six international metropolis, New York, London, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong and Seoul, this article studies the development of housing planning and its points of focus, residential land use scale, structure of housing provision, the characteristic of residential land spatial distribution and the implementation of housing planning policy, and then summarizes their advanced practices to make an international reference for the preparation of a new round of subject plan of housing development in Shanghai.


Keyword: Residential land use scale,Structure of housing provision,Spatial distribution,The implementation of policy,Experience learning


文献标识码: 文献标识码A

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