从“文化规划”到“有文化的规划” ——《用“文化”改变汉密尔顿》规划的解读与启示

From Culture Plan to Plan Culturally: Study on the Plan of Transforming Hamilton through Culture

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授级高级工程师

摘要: 随着中国经济发展进入“新常态”,过去以物质空间部署为特征的城市规划正在回归“以人为本”的基本价值取向。目前, 发达国家规划编制的理念是利用文化对城市进行从物质形态到观念形态的整体构建,强调将文化思维作为城市规划的思 路创新,并贯穿城市发展的全过程。选取北美转型发展的代表性城市汉密尔顿,通过分析解读其城市规划的先进理念和编 制经验,以期为中国城市的未来发展有所借鉴和启示。

Abstract: Since China’s economy has entered an era of the “New Normal”, China is turning back the planning philosophy fundamentals from space-oriented to people-oriented. At present, cities in developed countries have established the concept of “Planning Culturally”, which values culture for its transformative power and for its strength to inspire, express and unite. Planning culturally describes a commitment to realize the impacts of culture as indispensable tools for achieving broad civic objectives. As a successful example, Hamilton used to be an industrial region in North America, but is transforming itself as the new culture hub of Canada. Based on Hamilton’s new plan, the paper specifically reviews the content of “Transforming Hamilton through Culture”. The main goal of the study is to learn experiences from Hamilton and give some advice to China’s urban development.


Keyword: Urban Culture,Plan Review,Enlightenment


文献标识码: 文献标识码A

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