融绿秀城、引水串城、塑造中央活动区 ——南通市东部商业金融文化综合区规划实践

The Planning Practical Case in Nantong Eastern Comprehensive District of Commerce, Finance and Culture

张 逸
上海市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师,硕士

摘要: 在区域经济转型和产业结构调整的背景下,城市中心区的发展正由单一功能的金融商务区向复合多元的中央活动区转 变。南通,作为中国近代第一城,是江苏沿江、沿海发展轴交汇的重要节点城市。伴随区域一体化发展的新要求,南通树立 了建成“长三角北翼经济中心城市”的新目标,而建设功能强大,特色鲜明的城市中央活动区是实现该目标的重要抓手。 结合南通市东部商业金融文化综合区的规划研究,梳理城市发展诉求,突出地方文脉特色,以功能复合、多元活力、低碳慢 行、生态可持续为研究重点,探索城市中心区的持续发展道路。

Abstract: Under the trend of regional economic transformation and industrial restructuring, the CBD is changing from the financial business district to the CAZ, which is a comprehensive district of urban public activities. Nantong, a pioneering city of modern era, is located at the meeting point of Yangtze River and Pacific Ocean. Along with regional integration, it outlines “regional economic capital of northern Yangtze delta” as a new purpose, and building up a multi-functional and spectacular central activating zone is the government’s plan to achieve this. According to the planning study of the Nantong Eastern Comprehensive District of Commerce, Finance and Culture, this paper mainly discusses the developing method of CBD, and emphasizes on the concepts, which include continuation of the urban context, vitality, low-carbon transportation and sustainable development.


Keyword: Central Activities Zone,Mix-use, Vitality ,Low-carbon transportation ,Sustainable development


文献标识码: 文献标识码A

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