新城和中心城区公园游憩供求分异研究 ——以紫气东来公园和复兴公园为例

Study on Differentiation of Parks’ Recreation Supply and Demand between New Town and City Center: A Case Study of Ziqidonglai Park and Fuxing Park

上海市城市规划设计研究院 助理工程师,硕士

摘要: 近些年,近郊新城建设已成为中国城镇化的热点。然而作为新城重要的公共资源,其中的公园绿地常常存在着闲置和低效 使用现象,与中心城区公园的游憩使用情况形成鲜明对比。通过文献研究、实地观察、问卷调研和深入访谈的方式,选择上 海嘉定新城紫气东来公园和中心城区复兴公园作为对比案例,研究了游憩人群、游憩强度和游憩活动偏好上的分异,总结 了城市公园游憩需求与供给影响机制,针对新城公园规划和管理提出了弹性供给和适应性供给策略建议。

Abstract: Many parks and facilities in Shanghai new towns have faced with serious problems of wasting and low-efficiency, which is quite different from the recreation situation in city center. By literature study, site investigation, questionnaires and interviews, this article chooses Ziqidonglai Park in Jiading New Town and Fuxing Park in city center of Shanghai as examples, and analyzes their differentiation in aspects of social group, recreation frequency, intensity and activities preference, leading to the mechanism of recreation supply and demand in urban parks. Ultimately, suggestions to planning and management of parks in new town are proposed, including flexible supply strategy based on social demography characteristic and adaptive supply strategy based on recreation demand.


Keyword: New town,City center,Parks,Recreation demand,Differentiation


文献标识码: A

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