新时期城市适宜的住宅地块容积率研究 ——以上海的新城为例

Research on Reasonable Residential FAR in the New Era: A Case Study of Shanghai New Town

上海市规划编审中心 助理工程师,硕士

摘要: 适宜的住宅容积率是每个城市规划工作者关心的重要问题。对于城市新建地区而言,一方面要倡导集约用地,提高公共设 施的服务效率,容积率应适当提高,但另一方面出于城市空间景观、居住宜居和交通市政承载力,容积率也不宜过高。拟从 居住宜居、地区活力和交通承载力3个主要角度展开研究,以上海新城规划的住宅地块容积率为例,通过建立容积率与建 筑高度、路网密度等的对应关系,得出新城规划相对适宜的容积率最大值与最小值的建议区间。

Abstract: Reasonable residential FAR (floor area ratio) is an important factor that every urban planner concerned. In new region, FAR should be as high as possible to promote intensive land use, and improve the efficiency of public facilities and services. While considering urban landscape and livable living space, residential FAR cannot be too high. The study focuses on livable living environment, regional vitality and traffic carrying capacity. By establishing the relationships between FAR, building height and road network density, this study points out the maximum and minimum value of residential FAR, and proposes the conclusion as a reference for


Keyword: Residential FAR,Livable,Region vitality,Traffic carrying capacity


文献标识码: A

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