
Space Guide and Innovation Platform of Smart Street

郑 迪
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

上海申迪建设有限公司 规划助理

蒋 琦
上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师

孙 慧
上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师,博士研究生

摘要: 在响应当前“街道复兴”与“智慧城市”两大趋势的基础上,通过国内外街道空间既有案例的分析,总结出街道在智行辅助、生活便利、安全保障和环境智理这4个方面的智慧手段,提出建立“智慧街道服务平台”,通过方法创新(传感数据收集、数据处理分析、方案形成完善)形成对空间调整预测的IAF方法构架,将机制创新(整合城市管理、产品服务、公众参与的开放协作平台)融入智慧街道的建设中,并结合实验案例提出城市产品与规划服务的思路。

Abstract: In response to the trends of Streets Renaissance and Smart City , the paper sums up smart methods and establishes Management Platform of Smart Street through case studies of domestic and foreign street space in four aspects of travel support, life convenience, safety guarantee and environmental governance. Based on the methodology innovation (sensor data collection, data processing and analysis, scheme form and perfect), the paper forms the prediction method framework of IAF (Implement Acquisition Forecast). In the meantime, the mechanism innovation (open collaboration platform of city management, products services and public participation) is integrated to the construction of Smart Street. Eventually, the concept of urban products and planning are put forward combined with the practice of case experiment.


Keyword: Smart street,Space guide,Innovation platform


文献标识码: A


同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司(TJAD)重点项目资助、长三角城市群智能协同创新中心(CIUC)种子基金资助项目 “以城市规划方案对于城市未来的模拟推演技术架构” 无

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