现行规划管理体制下的社区规划编制方法研究* ——以天津滨海新区的实践为例

Research on Community Planning Method Based on Current Planning Management System: A Case Study of Tianjin Binhai New District

刘 伟
天津市渤海城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师,注册规划师,硕士

田 嘉
天津市渤海城市规划设计研究院 规划一所所长,高级工程师,注册规划师

李 硕
天津市渤海城市规划设计研究院 助理工程师

杨 瑞
新加坡邦城规划顾问有限公司 成都办事处主任,工程师,注册规划师,硕士

摘要: 在分析国内外相关理论和实践的基础上,肯定了社区规划的积极作用,并指出了当前我国社区规划的不足。进而以天津滨海新区为例,对社区规划中的编制组织、多专业协同、公众参与、成果审批等关键问题进行探讨。实践中建立了政府组织、社区主导、城乡规划专业牵头、相关专业协同的工作机制;设定了针对不同类型社区的公众参与方式;给出了与现行法定规划相衔接的社区规划编制方法。这是我国当前规划编制和审批体制下,提高社区规划可实施性的有益尝试。

Abstract: Based on analysis of relevant theories and practices, this paper affirms the positive role of community planning, and addresses the deficiencies in China’s community planning. Taking Tianjin Binhai New District as an example, key issues are discussed, such as organization mode, multi-professional cooperation, public participation, and administrative review and approval procedures. In the practice a working mechanism is established, under which community planning is organized by the government, dominated by the sub-district offices, and led by the urban planning professional which meanwhile guarantees multi-professional cooperation; different ways of public participation are applied for different types of communities, and a community planning approach that matches the current statutory planning is proposed. The research is a beneficial attempt to raise performability of community planning in China’s present planning and approval system.


Keyword: Community planning,Public participation,Multi-professional cooperation,Tianjin Binhai New District


文献标识码: A


住房和城乡建设部软科学研究项目(城镇化与城乡建设 “城市近郊区新农村建设发展设计导引研究—以天津滨海新区宁车沽为例” 2013-R2-23

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