
Discussion on the Flexible Control and Dynamic Management of FAR: A Case Study of the Main City of Shantou

王 欢
南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 容积率是影响城市土地开发控制的重要因素之一,从城市层面进行整体研究能够有效规避“局部合理、整体失控”的现象,并为城市土地开发强度的管理提供依据,进而优化城市空间品质。基于当前容积率控制存在开发总量缺乏控制、指标确定缺乏依据、单一指标缺乏弹性等问题,提出以街区为控制单元对城市整体进行现状解析、等级划分、指标分配、调控管制的容积率控制技术流程。以汕头市中心城区北岸地区为例,通过合理的弹性释放与多维的动态管控提升容积率控制的科学性,以期对城市整体建设用地的容积率控制提供参考和依据。

Abstract: FAR (Floor Area Ratio) is an important element in regulatory planning and urban development control. A citywide scale research on FAR can effectively provide both flexible and strict results in practical operation. The paper conducts a rational approach based on urban density zone including four sections and its application in the case of the main urban zone of Shantou: analyzing the phenomena and the reasons of FAR, confirming the intensity level, allocating the FAR index, providing the governance mechanism.


Keyword: FAR,Accessibility , Dynamic management


文献标识码: A

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