培育乡村内生发展动力的实践及经验启示 ——以德国巴登—符腾堡州Achkarren村为例

The Practice and Enlightenment of Cultivating Endogenous Development Driving Force in Rural Area: A Case Study of Achkarren, Baden-Württemberg in Germany

王 祯
上海同济城市规划设计研究院 助理规划师,硕士

摘要: 当前我国不少地区乡村衰退的主要原因是乡村本身缺乏内生发展动力,从而导致发展机会缺失、年轻劳动力不断流失、社会文 化活力丧失。乡村内生发展动力的培育对乡村的可持续发展具有重要意义。通过对德国巴登—符腾堡州Achkarren乡村振兴示范 项目的分析,得出若干启示:注重科学合理控制乡村居民点的用地规模;实行产业、文化、空间“三位一体”协调发展;注重公共 空间场所的营造及功能更新;加强对废弃和闲置公共建筑的再利用;促进村民参与及睦邻关系的建设。

Abstract: The current rural recession in many areas of China is mainly due to the lack of endogenous development driving force itself, thus leads to the lack of development opportunities, the loss of young labor force and social and cultural vitality. The rural endogenous development driving force has great significance to rural sustainable development. Through the analysis of the Achkarren rural model project in Baden-Württemberg in Germany, the paper draws some enlightenments: to pay attention to scientifically controlling the scale of rural residential land use; to implement ‘trinity’ among rural economic, social, cultural and spatial coordinated development; to pay attention to the construction of public space and functional regeneration; to strengthen the re-use of abandoned public buildings; and to promote the participation of villagers and goodneighborly relations.

关键词:乡村内生发展动力、 德国乡村、 巴登—符腾堡、 Achkarren

Keyword: Rural endogenous development driving force, Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Achkarren


文献标识码: A

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