
Study on Land Use Standards of Storm Water Pumping Station in Shanghai

上海市城市规划建筑设计工程有限公司 工程师,硕士

摘要: 在上海进入规划建设用地规模“负增长”的时代背景下,有助于统一上海市雨水泵站用地标准,促进上海市土地资源的节约集 约利用。基于上海市现状雨水泵站数据资料,研判了本市当前雨水泵站用地标准的合理性;通过关键节点雨水泵站统计分析、标 准泵站校验,研究出了一套新的贴合本市雨水泵站实际用地需求的雨水泵站用地标准;通过案例分析,验证了新的雨水泵站用 地标准的适用性,为本市雨水泵站用地标准修订提供了技术支撑。

Abstract: This article is to study the exact land demand of the storm water pumping stations, which is conducive to promoting land saving and intensive use under the background of a negative growth target in urban land use in Shanghai. Based on data of current storm water pumping stations in Shanghai, the study analyzes the rationality of nowadays land use standards, and works out new ones which are more accordant with the situation in Shanghai through figuring out key size storm water pumping stations and comparing with ideal pumping stations. The study also tests the applicability of the new standards by case analysis, providing a technical support for the revision of land use standards of storm water pumping stations.

关键词:雨水泵站、 用地、标准

Keyword: Storm water pumping station, Land use,Standards


文献标识码: A


上海市规划和国土资源管理局 《上海市节约集约建设用地标准》相关研究课题,研究成果纳入《上海市控制性详细规划技术准则》(2016年修订版)

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