
Thoughts of the Market-orientated Urban Integration Development of Small and Medium Sized Cities

曹 炎
江苏省城镇与乡村规划设计院 助理规划师

摘要: 中小城市同城化是新型的城市发展思路,具有操作灵活、途径多样、制度创新等优势。首先以两个国际案例作为借鉴:以政 府协调为主的柏林—勃兰登堡大都市地区和以市场调节见长的圣地亚哥—蒂华纳双子城,进而对安徽省蚌埠市与凤阳县 目前形成的以市场为导向的同城化路径予以关注。认为两地在资源市场、商品与服务业市场、旅游市场同城化上已经取得 了初步成果,但缺乏权威性区域合作组织在重大项目上的协调,进一步的合作发展陷入瓶颈。最后以两个国际案例的经验 对蚌埠—凤阳同城化的健康发展提供建议。

Abstract: Market-oriented urban integration is a new type of development for small and medium sized cities, with advantages of flexible operation, various methods and institutional innovation. This paper gets government coordination mechanism in metropolitan region of Berlin-Brandenburg and market regulation mechanism in San Diego-Tijuana twin-cities for reference, and then pays attention to the market-orientated urban integration in Bengbu and Fengyang in Anhui Province. It has already been proved that the two regions have achieved initial results in resource markets, good and services, and tourism. But with a lack of authority of regional cooperation organization on major projects, further cooperation is falling into bottleneck. Experience from the two international cases is given to the healthy development of Bengbu-Fengyang urban integration as suggestions in the last.

关键词:同城化、中小城市、 市场、蚌埠、凤阳

Keyword: Urban integration、 Small and medium sized cities、 Market | Bengbu、 Fengyang


文献标识码: A

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