城市公共空间更新的探索与实践 ——以黄浦江东岸滨江开放贯通规划为例

Exploration and Practice of Urban Public Space Regeneration: A Case Study of the East Bund of Huangpu River Public Space Regeneration

上海市城市规划设计研究院 生态园林景观设计分院 助理工程师,硕士

摘要: 随着城市的快速发展,城市中的公共空间越来越不能满足城市居民的需要。在新的时代背景下,城市公共空间的规划更新为城市空间转型和品质提升提供了可行路径。面对特定地区的城市公共空间的独特性和复杂性,公共空间更新在规划设计阶段的实践也在探索中前行。以上海市黄浦江东岸滨江开放贯通规划为例,通过分析黄浦江东岸滨江的城市公共空间面临的问题,围绕系统化、多角度的综合规划策略,从市民需求、控规和建设实施3方面着手,解读东岸滨江公共空间的更新实践,总结其更新的创新特点,借此为未来城市公共空间的更新提供参考和借鉴。

Abstract: With the rapid urban development, the existing urban public space is unable to meet the needs of urban residents. Facing the challenge of urban land resource shortage and the need of urban environment reconstruction, urban public space regeneration will be an important way for the transformation and quality promotion of urban space. To deal with the complexity and unique character of specific urban public space, methods of urban regeneration planning have been in the process of continuous exploration. In the case of riverside open space regeneration of East Bund of Huangpu River, the paper analyses the main problems of the area, and focuses on the practice during statutory planning phase, explaining the planning and design methods from diverse angles of people’s needs, statutory plan and construction. The paper summarizes the innovative features of the urban public space regeneration planning. It provides reference for other urban public space in their future regeneration.


Keyword: Urban public space , Regeneration,East Bund of Huangpu River,Shanghai


文献标识码: A

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