新区核心区内传统村落保护策略与方法研究 ——以佛山市高明区阮涌村为例

Study on the Protection Strategy and Method of Traditional Villages in Core Area of New Town: A Case Study of Ruanchong Village in Foshan City

由 翌
广东工业大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授级高级规划师

摘要: 城市新区的快速建设使得周边的传统村落不断消亡,不仅造成传统文化消失,也降低了新区的价值空间。阮涌村是高明区西江新城核心区内的传统村落,随着西江新城的开发建设,阮涌村一跃成为新城核心区的重要功能组成部分,并承载了发展文化旅游、休闲娱乐、商业服务等功能。通过对阮涌村的历史格局和特色资源进行分析,确定阮涌村的保护对象和价值,并针对新城开发带来的现实问题,提出全方位的空间保护控制、整体风貌整治,以及以保护求发展、以发展促保护的发展策略。

Abstract: Rapid construction of new urban areas makes the surrounding ancient villages continue to die out, which not only causes the disappearance of traditional regional culture, but also reduces the value of space in new areas. Ruanchong village is a traditional ancient village in Xijiang New Town core area of Gaoming District, and it will become an important part with the development of Xijiang New Town construction, taking the functions of the development of cultural tourism, leisure and entertainment, business services, etc. Through the analysis of the historical pattern and the characteristic resources of Ruanchong village, the article determines the value of protected objects. For practical problems caused by the development of new town, it proposes strategies including full range of protection and control space, overall style renovation, and promotes development as well as preservation.


Keyword: Ancient village, Protection strategy , New town, Core area


文献标识码: A

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