健康城市视角下的山地城市阶梯步道适老性及其设 计要素研究*——以重庆山城步道为例

A Healthy City Design Exploration for the Ladder Trails from the Perspective of the Elderly People: A Case Study of Chongqing Mountain Trails

徐 苗
重庆大学建筑城规学院 山地城镇建设与新技术 教育部重点实验室 副教授,副系主任


孙 锟

陈 瑞
重庆大学建筑城规学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 在健康城市环境建设促进步行行为的背景下,西方发达国家城市已展开相关研究,并陆续推出了相应的设计导则。但这些 要素与原则对我国现阶段城市环境的适用性还有待探讨;尤其是这些导则一般是基于平原城市慢行系统的研究,未能涵 盖我国山地城市中特有的阶梯步道体系,也未能针对一些特殊需要人群如老年群体进行专项研究。首先,阐述了阶梯步道 作为山地城市日常生活空间的健身功用;其次,具体分析了环境设计促进行为方面的要素研究及相关设计导则,尤其针对 老年人的需求建立研究框架;最后,结合对重庆山城步道案例的实证研究,归纳与总结在促进健身行为方面,山地城市阶 梯步道的适老性设计要素及其设计原则。

Abstract: On the backdrop of Healthy City concept in facilitating the walking behavior, this paper firstly elaborates the fitness function of the ladder trails which are the daily living spaces for the people in the mountainous cities or areas; it then analyses the existing researches on the elements and guidelines of environmental design from the perspective of walking friendly, while especially discussing their applicable considering the needs of the elderly people. With research framework set up in the first part, an empirical research focusing on the walking behavior of the elderly has been carried out based on two comparable cases of Chongqing Mountain trails. The methods of observing, survey and interviews have been applied to collect the data. This paper concludes with a summary of the elements and principles for designing the ladder trails which are walking friendly for the elderly people.


Keyword: Healthy city | Urban design guidelines,Ladder trails, For the elderly, Chongqing


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金面上项目 “基于生态水文过程的山地城市水空间规划方法研究” 51478056

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