健康城市建设背景下我国综合医院建筑发展的驱动 力与现状思考

Situation and Driving Force of the Contemporary Development of General Hospital Building in China under the Background of Healthy City Construction

龙 灏
重庆大学建筑城规学院 建筑系 山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室 副系主任,教授,博士生导师

摘要: 我国的综合医院主要承担着保障人民健康的艰巨任务,作为实现其功能的物质空间,综合医院建筑在很大程度上影响着 医疗服务的质量和品质。作为重要的公共服务建筑,综合医院建筑的发展不仅要受相关学科技术进步的影响,也受到我国 各种国情的制约。基于此,以医疗领域和建筑领域的不同视角,充分阐释我国综合医院建筑发展的主要驱动力与建设现 状,并在此基础上对综合医院建筑的发展趋势展开讨论,为我国综合医院建筑设计的研究和实践提供借鉴。

Abstract: General hospital, as the physical space which plays an important role in protecting out health, can greatly affect the quality of medical services. As a kind of important public service building, the development of general hospitals is not only influenced by the progress of relevant disciplines, but also restricted by our national condition. Based on this, this paper fully explains the driving force and current situation of general hospital development in our country from both angle of medical treatment and architecture, and discusses the development trend as well, in order to provide reference for the research and practice of general hospital design in China.


Keyword: General hospital building,Development driving force,Development trend


文献标识码: A

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