法定规划体系下目标导向的城市设计管控 ——以英国为例

The Target-oriented Urban Design Control and Management in Statutory Planning System: A Case Study of UK

张 弛
上海市规划编审中心 助理工程师,硕士

摘要: 随着社会经济的发展,城市规划与建设开始进入品质时代,市民对空间环境品质的要求不断提高。城市设计管控作为塑造城市空间特色和提升文化自信的重要手段,得到越来越多的重视。法定化、政策化已成为城市设计的发展趋势,如何在刚性控制与弹性引导之间进行取舍是当前我国城市设计管控面临的主要问题。以英国为例,总结了其城市设计管控的发展历程,并从政策制定、实施与监督3个方面介绍了法定规划体系下英国城市设计管控的特点。最后,文章探讨了英国经验对我国的启示。

Abstract: With the development of our society and economy, more values have been put on the quality of urban environment. There are growing concerns about urban design control due to its important role of building place identity and enhancing cultural confidence. Becoming legal and policy-related is the current trend. The key challenge of delivering effective urban design is how to make balance between rigid control and flexible guidance. This essay makes case study of UK to explore the features of urban design control in aspects of policy-making, implementation and supervision. In the end, it discusses how we can learn from the experience of UK.


Keyword: Urban design control and management、 Planning system、 Public policy、 Target-oriented


文献标识码: A

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