
Transition of Pattern and Modes of Governance for Urban Renewal in Guangzhou since the 21st Century

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

田 莉(通讯作者)
清华大学建筑学院城市规划系 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 改革开放以来,市场机制的引入推动了我国城市更新的转型。基于管治理论,对2000年以来广州城市更新转型进行实证分析发现,政府出资主导的福利型更新管治正在逐渐向政府与市场合作的引导型管治转型。管治模式转型加快了城市更新的实施效率,常态化的城市更新政策兼顾了长期效益和短期效率。政府与市场建立了基于“委托—代理”的契约式合作关系,以实现城市发展日程。政府单向主导基于社会稳定的土地再开发利益分配方案难以获得参与者的集体认同,使城市更新陷入“政府不放权,改造无动力”的困境。破除当前管治模式的弊端,还需从政府单向治理走向多元合作治理。

Abstract: The urban renewal has been undergoing progressive transformation with the introduction of market mechanism since the reform opening. By combining the theory of governance and empirical analysis of Guangzhou, this paper finds that urban renewal has experienced the transition from government-dominated renewal to cooperative renewal of government and markets. Guangzhou municipal government and market builds a principal-agent-based contractual relationship. Although the land benefits distribution scheme drafted by government guarantees social stability, it cuts down the profit of land owners and investors and it is difficult to achieve the consensus of all stakeholders. Urban renewal falls into the dilemma of 'government centralizes the management and stakeholders lack incentives of redevelopmen'. The approach to break the dilemma lies in adjusting the relationship of stakeholders in urban renewal and initiating the reform from government-dominant model to multi cooperation model.

关键词:城市更新转型、 城市更新管治、政府主导、融资模式

Keyword: Urban renewal transition,Urban renewal governance, Government-dominated, Financing mode


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金委项目 “城乡规划理论与设计” 51222813

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