聚焦公共要素的城市更新机制探讨 ——以上海市杨浦区长白社区228街坊“两万户”项目为例

Investigation of the Urban Renewal Mechanism Focusing on the Public Elements: A Case Study of 'Liang Wan Hu' Project in 228 Block Changbai Community, Yangpu District, Shanghai

上海市杨浦区规划和土地管理局 规划管理科副科长,硕士

摘要: 上海当前的城市更新日趋重视项目实施过程中公共要素的增加,同时强化其作为城市更新项目开展的必要前提条件、重点评估内容、实施落实重心。以纳入上海城市更新试点的杨浦区长白社区228街坊“两万户”(后简称“228街坊两万户”)项目为例,聚焦“优化城市功能、增加公共服务设施、保护历史风貌、完善慢行系统、完善公共空间”5个公共要素实践的落实,分析其间的实施策略、运作机制,从而推进着眼于公共要素的城市更新机制的思考,希望能够为上海未来的城市更新实践提供有益的启发与借鉴。

Abstract: The urban renewal area in Shanghai has increasingly paid attention to the increase of the public elements in the process of urban renewal projects, and strengthens them as the necessary prerequisite, the focal point of planning evaluation, and the focus of the implementation. This essay takes the 'Liang Wan Hu' Project in 228 block Changbai community, Yangpu district as an example which is one of the urban renewal pilot projects in Shanghai , and focuses on the implementation of five kinds of public elements including optimization of urban functions, increasing public service facilities, protection of historical features, improvement of the slow traffic system and improvement of public space. It analyzes the implementation of the strategy operation mechanism, hoping to offer references for launching relevant urban renewal projects in Shanghai.


Keyword: Urban renewal,Public elements,Liang Wan Hu (The new estate built for twenty thousand workers’ families),Mechanism


文献标识码: A

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