
Urban Liveability in Melbourne

澳大利亚墨尔本大学建筑建造与规划学院 高级讲师,博士

李 翔
澳大利亚墨尔本大学建筑建造与规划学院 博士研究生

吴 昊
澳大利亚墨尔本大学建筑建造与规划学院 高级讲师,博士

摘要: 以堪称全球宜居城市典范的墨尔本为例,从城市宜居性概念、评价维度及评价因素出发,探讨宜居性评价的指向性问题;接着从城市历史角度剖析墨尔本宜居性的形成与特质。研究发现,宜居性的概念及评价体系的建立容易产生指向性不明或矛盾,缺乏从当地居民个人视角的历史维度的宜居性考察。通过从历史角度对墨尔本宜居性形成进行分析,认为对于城市基础设施及公共交通质量的提高、以人为本规划设计手段的运用和坚持、稳定的制度体系、良好的区位、重视当地社区参与、注重文化多样性和包容性,以及绿色健康城市形象的打造是墨尔本高度宜居性的形成基础。综合考虑社会空间非均质性与城市历史演变等因素,为城市宜居性评价提供了新的研究视角。

Abstract: Melbourne is recognised amongst the world’s most liveable cities, yet it is recognised that evaluation of urban liveability is complex. This paper adopts a historic perspective to the concept of urban liveability and evaluation in Melbourne. It takes into account social-spatial inequity and the role of urban history in shaping collective perception of urban liveability. The paper argues divergent emphases on urban liveability and the lack of a ‘local’ perspectives. It recognises urban development policy and image-building global city marketing are key forces behind urban liveability in Melbourne. Basic values such as health, safety, and dignity remain central to heterogeneous social distribution, history and social evolution of urban liveability.


Keyword: Evaluation,Urban liveability,Melbourne ,Historic attribute


文献标识码: A

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