城市创新思维下的世界级滨水科创区城市设计方法 ——以上海杨浦滨江中北段城市设计为例

Urban Design Method of World Class Waterfront Creation Area with Urban Innovative Thinking: A Case Study of Urban Design for Yangpu Waterfront (Central& North Region) in Shanghai

上海市城市规划设计研究院,上海市城市规划 建筑设计工程有限公司 工程师,硕士

摘要: 在新一轮全球城市竞争升级的背景下,上海积极建设卓越的全球城市,打造世界级滨水区,势必从经济、金融、贸易、航运4 大中心迈向“产业中心+科创中心”的新时代,通过依托“一江一河”滨水空间建设为载体,以更高站位谋求世界级滨江 科创区的建设。以上海杨浦滨江中北段城市设计为例,创新性地提出“科创森林”的滨水科创区规划设计理念,将滨江空 间环境建设与科创社区营造融为一体,探索具有上海城市情怀的滨水科创区发展新模式。

Abstract: Facing the new competition of the urban evolution over the world, Shanghai attempts to become an excellent global city with worldclass waterfront. To achieve this aim, the city should not only keep its industrial center of economy, finance, trade and shipping but also to become a new science and technology innovation center with the help of Shanghai’s riverside water space. Taking the urban design of the central and north region of Yangpu Waterfront as an example, this paper innovatively puts forward the planning and design concept of "Science Creation Forest" which integrates the spatial environment construction of riverside with the community construction of science creation, and explores a new development model of the science creation area of waterfront with Shanghai urban sentiment.


Keyword: World-class waterfront、Urban innovation area、Science creation forest、Innovation patten


文献标识码: A

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