城市更新中的公众参与式规划设计实践 ——以上海黄浦江东岸公共空间贯通规划设计为例

Planning and Design with Public Participation in Urban Renewal Project: A Case Study of East Bund Open Space Renovation Project in Shanghai

上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

摘要: 城市更新的过程,不仅是物质空间的更新改造,更反映了市民生活方式和价值观念的转变。通过转变规划师角色,邀请公 众参与到项目的全过程,可以深入挖掘人们的利益诉求和潜在需求。根据公众参与所反馈的信息有针对地进行规划设计, 有助于使规划设计成果与公众需求相匹配。以公众使用需求为导向,上海市黄浦江东岸公共空间贯通规划设计项目通过 引导专家、居民、游客、设计师、社团、媒体等多种人群共同参与,依据公众参与的反馈信息,在主题分段、公共交通、慢行系 统、公共空间、服务设施和视觉标志等方面提出针对性的设计策略,为今后城市更新规划设计提出可供借鉴的经验。

Abstract: The renewal of urban space is not only the renovation of spatial space, but also the change of citizen’s life-styles and values. By changing the role of planners and inviting general public to join the urban renewal project, their interest demand and potential need would be discovered. According to the feedback of public participation, outcomes of planning and design can match the public demand better. Directed by the public recreation demand, East Bund Open Space Renovation Project encourages experts, citizens, tourists, designers, organizations and media to participate in the planning and design process. Based on the result of public participation, several strategies can be raised in the aspects of theme zones, public transportation, slow traffic system, open space system, service facilities and visual landmarks, which might inspire other urban renewal projects.


Keyword: Urban renewal、Public participation、East Bund、 Planning and design、Usage demand


文献标识码: A

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