基于当前城市道路系统的女性驾驶行为特征研究 ——以南京市中心城区为例

Study on the Characteristics of Female Driving Behavior Based on the Current Urban Road System: A Case Study of Central City of Nanjing

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授,硕士生导师

摘要: 随着机动化的推进、女性社会地位的提高,女性驾驶员已成为不可忽视的道路使用主体,备受大众关注,同时饱受诟病。以 南京市中心城区为例,通过实地调查,获取女性驾驶员出行行为、驾驶习惯和心理需求特点,分析两性驾驶行为差异,并探 讨成因。对比发现,女性对道路的客观使用与主观认知较男性更为复杂、细致,体现在出行路线、道路使用、驾驶感受、方向 认知和审美需求等方面。差异原因主要有二:一是内因——性别差异,包括生理及心理特点、性别角色与个人属性等;二是 外因——道路系统规划设计,体现在总体结构、设施配置、标识与景观设计等维度。在当前道路环境下不应只批评“女司 机现象”,更应对规划进行反思。

Abstract: With the advancement of motorization and the improvement of women’s social status, female drivers have become important users of urban roads, which cause much concern as well as criticism. This paper analyzes the driving behaviors, habits and needs of female drivers based on investigation, and compares the differences between men and women. It is found that women’s use and cognition of roads are more complicated and detailed than those of men. There are two main reasons: gender differences and the planning and design of urban road system, which includes structure, facility configuration, and signage and landscape design. The paper argues that we should reflect on urban planning rather than just criticizing female drivers. Suggestions for urban transportation planning are also put forward.


Keyword: Female, Private traffic, Driving behavior , Urban road system,Transportation planning


文献标识码: A

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