
Succession of Community by Regeneration of Vacant Houses and Design of Livelihoods in Rural Areas in Japan

姫野由香(HIMENO Yuka)
大分大学工学部 助理教授,博士

张 立(校对)
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授,博士

牛 苗(翻译)
大分大学大学院 修士

原田良平(HARADA Ryohei)

摘要: 伴随着人口极端的大都市圈集中化,日本地方城市人口减少不断加剧,房屋空置率也达到历史最高,特别是四国地区、中 国地区的房屋空置问题尤其严重。近几年在地方城市,地方政府与当地居民、民间企业等多种主体协作,实现了对住宿设 施、居民休闲场所等多种类型空置房的活用。通过对日本全国的人口、人口密度、房屋空置率进行比较,选出了房屋空置问 题尤为严重的10县,并以针对人口减少问题、房屋空置问题采取积极措施的大分县国东市为案例,对人口减少以及空置房 活用案例的实施运营管理等进行深入分析,阐述各个相关主体的职责与作用,希冀对中国的地方城市以及乡村振兴有所 裨益。

Abstract: While Japan’s population is extremely centralizing towards metropolitan area, local cities are facing constant depopulation, and the housing vacancy rate is higher than ever before, especially in Shikoku and Chugoku region. In recent years, local city government cooperated with subjects such as local residents and enterprises to regenerate vacant houses for residence and leisure. This article contrasts the population, population density and housing vacancy rate of the entire country and picks out 10 counties with serious housing vacancy problem. Using Kunisaki in Oita prefecture as an example, which took active measures against depopulation and housing vacancy problem, this paper explains the implementation and management of the measures in detail, clarifies the responsibility and function of each subject, and hopefully can help the development of Chinese local cities and rural areas.


Keyword: Rural area、Marginal community、Vacant house 、Migrate、 Art、Livelihoods


文献标识码: A


国家自然科学基金项目 “我国乡村人居① 人口增减率呈上升趋势的县为东京都、大阪府、神奈川县、爱知县、千叶县、福冈县、兵库县、冲绳县等9县。 环境的差异性特征和形成机理研究” 51878454

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