
The Reform and Innovation Direction of Urban Planning Management in the New Era of China

浙江舟山群岛新区 总规划师,博士,教授级高级规划师 华东师范大学、上海大学、浙江海洋大学 兼职教授

摘要: 随着我国社会主要矛盾的转化,新时代城市规划的重点将转向解决城市发展不平衡和不充分问题,包括补齐城市发展短 板,实现高质量发展,这必将深刻影响我国城市规划管理变革和走向。评析当今城市规划管理在宏观层面存在的制度老 化、体制固化和机制僵化,在中微观层面存在的职能越位、缺位和错位及不为和失语等问题;探讨了新时代城市规划管理 的改革重点和目标,以及相应的规划职能、方法、绩效评估及运作创新体系构建等问题。

Abstract: With the transformation of the major social contradictions in China, the focus of urban planning will shift to solve the problem of imbalances and inadequacies of urban development, including filling up the short board of urban development and achieving high-quality development. It will profoundly influence the reform and the future of urban planning management in China. This paper analyzes the problems of the aging system, curing structure and rigid mechanism in urban planning management in the macro level, and the problems of offside, vacancy and dislocation of government function and inaction and unspoken of urban planning management department in the intermediate and micro level. This paper also discusses the key point and the reform goals of urban planning management in the new era, as well as the relevent promblems on planning functions, methods, assessment and planning system innovation.


Keyword: New era、Urban planning management、Reform and innovation


文献标识码: A

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