
Analysis and Countermeasure of Jobs-housing Relationship on Zhangjiang Science City under Mobile Phone Data

邹 伟
上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

秦 战
上海市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师,硕士

陈 鑫
上海市城市规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

摘要: 基于对张江科学城及周边区域的手机信令数据的分析,发现张江科学城的职住问题较为突出,尤其是科学城北部轨道交通2号线沿线等区域,每日有超过40%的人员需跨区域通勤出行,极大加剧了周边部分道路的常发性拥堵。针对这些现象,结合对区域内居住用地及人才公寓、宿舍等的现状调研,认为住宅总量不足、类型单一、品质参差不齐等是造成张江科学城职住问题的关键因素,提出内外联动提高住宅总量供给、增加多样化居住设施等规划建议。

Abstract: Based on mobile phone data of Zhangjiang Science City, this research finds out that Zhangjiang Science City has an unbalanced jobs-housing relationship, especially north areas around Rail Transit Line 2. Above 40 percent of people working in Zhangjiang Science City are in round-trip transportation. This phenomenon increases congestion in the surrounding areas. Based on the extensive field research, we think key factors of this problem include: housing shortage, insufficient supply of talent apartments and industrial dormitories, and lack of high-level personnel housing. We suggest that housing supply by internal and external linkage and diversity of living facilities could solve problems.

关键词:职住、手机信令数据 、张江科学城、科创园区、 对策

Keyword: Jobs-housing , Mobile phone data。 Zhangjiang Science City, Science and technology innovation park,Countermeasure


文献标识码: A

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